Zeeshan Ahmed

Software Engineer | Web Dev Enthusiast ยท zshanahmed@hotmail.com

I am experienced in developing full stack web applications which are responsive and provide seamless user experience. I am always exploring for new state of the art technologies and tools in web development.


Python 95%
Javascript 90%
Apex 90%
SQL 92%


Django 95%
Nextjs 90%
Ruby on Rails 85%


Car Showcase

Monitor screen showing mockup of car showcase
Car catalogue that allows the users to view models of different cars based on the car manufacturer. The users can filter the car models based on the manufacturer/model of the car. Moreover the users can also filter the results based on the fuel type of the car (Gas/Electric) and the year that car is manufactured.

Technologies Used

  • Nextjs 13
  • Tailwind CSS
  • HeadlessUI
  • RapidAPI

Science Alliance Portal

Monitor screen showing mockup of science alliance portal
Web-app to facilitate Iowa Bioscience Academy to help them manage data of Science Alliance Members and administer them. I worked on Dashboard, Calendar, Login Page and overall Front-end UI.

Technologies Used

  • Django
  • Bootstrap
  • MS Azure


Monitor screen showing mockup of chat hq
Online card trading game that allows users to draw cards, play cards and trade them. Moreover the users can keep track of their scores using the built-in score card. The users can also create rooms and share the invitation tokens with their friends to play with them.

Technologies Used

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Bootstrap
  • PostgreSQL
  • SendGrid
  • Capybara
  • Cucumber
  • Render
The app may take a minute or so to load

Chat HQ

Monitor screen showing mockup of cards hq
Online chat application running on top of chatengine.io API to provide an interactive user experience to users. Users can login to start chatting or signup to create a new account. Users can also send images to other users in the thread and see who's online right now.

Technologies Used

  • React
  • chatengine.io


Software Engineer

Antech Diagnostics
  • Working on addition of new assays in BioCD desktop application to improve performance of Accuplex covering tests for Ehrlichia in animals.
  • Improving the reporting website used in labs to browse test results.
  • Working on enhancement in statistical reporting of test results to display data related to new assays.
October 2023 - Present

Software Engineer

Vidium Animal Health

Some of the ongoing work in this role is as follows:

  • Developed a MySQL database that contains critical information regarding genetic variants in patients and all the data resulting from DNA sequencing of samples. Developed a corresponding web application that presents useful insights for the reporting team to look at the sample varaint data and reach a diagnosis for the patient.
  • Developed a protein alignment web application for the reporting team to view the canine amino-acid sequences side-by-side with human sequences by providing gene name or transcript ids. The tool highlights the corresponding position in amino acid sequence in target specie when user provides a position in query specie.
  • Developed a database for the company's Knowledgebase, containing data about over 5000 genetic mutation. Also added a corresponding web application that allowed the internal team to view the Knowledgebase data.
  • Worked on automation of commercial order workflow in Salesforce and integration with an external LIS. This project involves establishing communication between Salesforce and external LIS from getting an order from customer to providing the report to them in their inbox.
January 2022 - October 2023

Web Developer

IIHR (University of Iowa)

Worked on developing a library for Iowa Flood Information System (IFIS). The highlights of this project are as follows:

  • Developed a javascript library that contains modules for different components of IFIS. The library can even be customized for information systems by adding/customizing modules.
  • Added an offline user experience to provide some functionality in the areas with poor or no internet access. The user can customize the offline experience as well.
  • Added dynamic imports to reduce the javascript consumed on page load. The dynamic load also allows users to use map engines (mapbox, google maps) based on their preference.
June 2021 - December 2021

Graduate Research Assistant

University of Iowa

Worked with Dr. Omar Chowdhury on the Phoenix project which was funded by a DARPA grant. The project included following work:

  • Developed and optimized android app for Phoenix, a system identifying n-day cellular network control-plane vulnerabilities as well as dangerous practices of network operators from the device vantage point.
  • Analyzed and monitored power consumption of various signature types on the popular wireless careers to find optimized monitors.
January 2020 - May 2021



  • Python
  • Apex (Salesforce)
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • SQL
  • Ruby
  • Java
  • C++
  • C#
  • R
  • PHP

Frameworks & Libraries

  • Django
  • Nextjs
  • Ruby on Rails
  • React
  • Flask
  • MERN
  • AstroJS
  • Express
  • Prisma
  • .NET


University of Iowa

Masters of Computer Science

  • Focus Areas: Software Engineer Languages and Tools, Algorithms, Machine Learning, Web Mining
January 2020 - Decemeber 2021

UET Lahore Logo UET Lahore

Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering (Computer Science)

  • Focus Areas: Computer Networks, Data Structures, Artificial Intelligence
August 2013 - November 2017